The Holy Grail Found!

As many of you know… I have been on a quest for many years.  A quest for the long lost “gospel.”  The “Gospel according to Louise.”

Much of the Walvoord History here has been handed down through the years from a type-written transcription of Louise Antoinette Walvoord’s Journal.

I have been hearing whispers of the existence of the original diary for decades, but it has always eluded me.  I even have a letter from my great-grandfather in the 1940s that indicated he was looking for it too.  Decades ago I interviewed people such as Ruth Stovall and Betty Carpenter (cousins of my grandfather) who claim to have had in in their possession at one time.  I told them at the time that I hope that someone has the foresight to donate it to the Sheboygan County Historical Research Center in Sheboygan Falls.

Several weeks ago, I got a package in the mail from my 3rd-cousin in Colorado: Debbie Bjork (great-granddaughter of Anna Margretta Walvoord).  It was a photo copy of Louise’s journal!!!  Debbie had been on a family research trip to the Sheboygan County Historical Research Center and lo and behold, the journal was there among the Walvoord artifacts!

Being able to read it and see her intent is so exciting!  I will be able to share some new content including some old Walvoord Family Recipes!

Thanks Debbie!!!!

I will try to post any updates on “This What’s New Blog.”

Updated: November 21, 2014 — 10:56 PM